Guest, register

Word Filter script This form validator filters pre-selected words in a textbox. When the user submits text, the validator will check the words against the list of banned words.

Validation (Number) Validates an input field to make sure that only number is entered. If you enter letter it alert.

Category: Form, Validation

Validation (Credit Card) Determines if a credit card number is valid before the form is submitted by utilizing the LUHN formula. Very simple, and does not require knowledge of the credit card type. Does not check if the date is valid. Ver useful for online order form validation. Note: Although this form does not capture your credit card information, if you do not feel comfortable entering your credit card number to test this JavaScript, please DO NOT !

Category: Utility

Ignore Spaces script Removes spaces from a string variable within a script or from user input into a textbox. Several different uses are shown on the script example page.

Category: Utility, Converter

Search Box This JavaScript code search form opens a seperate window where you can select from search engines such as Yahoo!, Excite, and more. Awesome!

Category: Utility, Search-code

Numeric TextBox script This Script can be used to validate your form for numeric values. The Numeric TextBox allows only numbers and accepts one decimal Point. Compatible with both Netscape and Internet Explorer.

Remove_XS_Whitespace Strips excess spaces from a field. Users sometimes enter " " in required fields to trick most validation that only checks for "" length fields. This JavaScript takes a string and removes the leading and trailing spaces and also any extra spaces in the string. IE only.

Category: Utility

Remove Returns script Converts carriage returns in a string to the tag so that the input can be properly displayed in HTML. Without the script, returns in an input field are not preserved when submitting in a form. Useful for guestbooks or other times when a user's input must be preserved.

Category: Utility

Rank \'em Create a survey asking people to rank things, and this JavaScript will validate that everything is ranked, and no rankings are repeated. Could be adapted into a solution puzzle or game.

Category: Utility

Radio Question Validator script Validates that every Radio Button question on the form has been answered. No modifications needed!

Category: Form, Checkbox
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