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Drop Down Menu Generator Simply select the options you would like in your pulldown menu, enter the text and URL for each listing, and click the button to generate the source code. Easy! And, we can even mail the generated code to you.

Category: Utility, Generator

Write text Use this JavaScript to makes string on your webpages with many formats.

Category: Utility

HTML Color Picker 1.0 This is an easy to user color picker that can find the triple-hex or RGB value for any color.

Category: Utility, Generator

X ArrowKeys Move an element with the arrow keys and watch keyCode values from all Key events.

Category: Utility

Character/Word count Calculate and display the number of characters within a TEXTAREA with this JavaScript. Useful, for example, in helping your visitors manually keep their input length in check.

Unsual Typing Editor An unsual typing editor.

Category: Utility, Generator

Lottery Number Picker & Statistics Chuck your superstitions to the side, and put your lottery dreams in this JavaScript instead. Generates 6 random 2-digit numbers for you to use.

Category: Utility

Abeleto Web Album This is a photo album script that displays your favorite photos in a album! Includes picture, title, date taken, and description. Select your picture from a list, click for a random picture, or search for your picture.

Category: Utility, Generator

Add and delete inner page Some script about adding and deleting items on webpages client side.

Category: Utility

Type Writer script This JavaScript makes a writer on your webpages.

Category: Utility
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