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Roman Numeral Converter Convert Arabic numerals to roman numerals with the click of a button. Numbers work up to the tens of billions.

Category: Calculation

Pi Machine This JavaScript code will calculate the surface area and volume of cones, spheres or cylinders of any dimensions as well as circle circumference and surface areas.

Category: Calculation, Math

Graphing Function 2 Enter the X-Y coordinates for a function and this JavaScript will give you the graphing formulas, including Formula, Slope, Y-intercept, Parallel and Perpendicular lines. Easy!

Category: Calculation, Math

Greatest Common Factor Find the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of a group of two or three numbers.

Category: Calculation, Math

Fahrenheit to Cel. Converter This JavaScript will convert celsius to fahrenheit or fahrenheit to celsius, all you have to do is fill in the prompts and the conversion will appear in an alert box!

Fibonacci Displays the Fibonacci Sequence of Numbers as entered by the user. Warning: This is very processor intensive, do not enter a large number.

Category: Calculation, Math

Factors Use JavaScript to find out if a number entered is odd or even and the factors of that number.

Category: Calculation, Math

Expression Solver Just enter a math expression (with +, -, ', and / signs) and this script will evaluate the expression for you. Who needs a calculator when you have JavaScript.

Category: Calculation, Math

Euro Converter Click a country button to display currency name and full fixed euro exchange rate. Press Clear to empty the value boxes and enter either Euro or Local amount to convert. Click the appropriate button for conversion of euro To Local or of local To Euro. Conversion will display selected currency exchange rounded to two decimal places.

Category: Calculation

Energy Equivalents JavaScript can help you find energy equivalents.
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