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Cool Analog Clock with Raphael by Amazing Styles Collect the JavaScript code examples for creating cool JavaScript clocks is one of jsB@nk's initial criteria; till to this post, jsB@nk has a great collection of 50+ JavaScript analog clocks and JavaScript digital clocks, you can see them at Some cool and amazing JavaScript clocks jsB@nk presented recently:

- jsClock: Featured Digital Clock JavaScript
- JavaScript Word Clock: Spell the Time
- CoolClock - Super nice Javascript Analog Clock

Today, I'm pleasure to present you another awesome JavaScript analog clock. This JavaScript code example uses jQuery and Raphaël to build a very amazing JavaScript analog clock with 14 styles, besides this clock allows users to choose the colour of 3 lines: hour, minute and second.

Category: Framework

Simple JavaScript Page-Note Glossary If you ever seen many web pages, posts of professional knowledges, specialized in skills or researches; perhaps you would see many specialized in words that they're explained after each post/page.

As a content publisher, when you have to work with specialized in articles, you'll have to spend more time to make more explanations by your hand if they're very long ones. This is reason Aaron Gustafson build this JavaScript code example, it helps us spend less than time for this job, all we have to do now is concentrate on our content, all glossaries will be done automatically.

There's another very useful JavaScript code example to content publishers: JavaScript Content Auto-Indexing using DOM.

Category: Utility, Generator

Processing Local Files in JavaScript with HTML5 In previous JavaScript articles and JavaScript code examples, jsB@nk provided you many posts about new HOT features/functions in HTML5, such as:

- JavaScript Caching in HTML5
- Awesome Canvas Drawer with HTML5
- JavaScript in HTML5 vs ActionScript 3 in Flash in Drawing Match - Who Win?
- HOT New JavaScript APIs with HTML5

Today in this post, jsB@nk is happy to give you one more JavaScript article tutorial for another new HOT feature in HTML5 - local files processing. Throughout this JavaScript article tutorial, you're able to handle how to create, delete, read, write and query the local files with JavaScript on HTML5. Please go to the inner page for full detailed instructions, guides and live demos of JavaScript HTML5 code examples for HTML5 file uploading, uploading file JavaScript, JavaScript open file, JavaScript file read, JavaScript load file, javascript create file.

Category: Tutorials, Web 2.0

JsTetris: Free Awesome JavaScript Online Tetris Game Perhaps Tetris is not weird with anyone because of its famousness, was born in 1984 (same age with Mario), Tetris is one of oldest games. And now, Tetris has been released over 125 millions copies, Tetris presents on all gaming platforms: PC, console, web-based environment, mobile, etc.

Free Tetris games has also been available on jsB@nk very early from beginning with JavaScript Tetris games:

- JavaScript Advance tetris
- JavaScript Simple Tetris
- JavaScript Simple tetris

Today, jsB@nk is happy and pleasure to present you a new cool and amazing JavaScript Tetris game, let's enjoy it in inner page.

Try more Facebook games, other JavaScript games on jsB@nk if you stil want to play:
- Top 50 Most Addictive and Popular Facebook mini games
- 12 Awesome and Creative JavaScript Games you should try
- Cross Browser Black Snake Game

Category: Game, Tetris

XMLWriter: Simple JavaScript XML Creator XML - a type of data defining - becoming more popular at present because of its flexibility and convenience, data defined by XML become more visual and clear to query with any platform. XML is being used by more and more web platforms/utilities such as: JavaScript, PHP, .NET, Java, Flash, etc.

Almost web development tools, web applications have exclusive libraries (functions, objects) to process XML data; besides; many famous platforms: WordPress, Zend, Joomla, etc also built its own libraries for XML; this is stable proof to proven above things jsB@nk said.

However, the field of XML is too big to discuss in this short post, because there was many professional books/e-books research it. Now in this post, jsB@nk like only to show you a simple JavaScript application for generating data in XML. Please go to the live demo of this JavaScript code example for short review.

Try more JavaScript XML parse scripts if you like:

- Random of Testimonial Bubbles with XML and jQuery
- getXML

Category: Utility, Generator

All About Cookies in JavaScript This JavaScript article tutorial gives us a full detailed documentation about cookie and how to use cookie in JavaScript. Please go to the inner post page for full detailed instructions, documentation and live JavaScript code examples.

Read more JavaScript cookies tutorials on jsB@nk:

- Browser Cookie with JavaScript and jQuery
- Cookie and Javascript: How to Handle
- Delicious Cookies
- Cookies in JavaScript

Awesome Tabbing Navigation with Prototype and AJAX A very cool JavaScript code example to create tabbing navigation menus for display information on your web pages. This tabbing navigating menu has the same working way like other applications with Firefox Firefox tab bar layout. Some more functions in JavaScript code example:
- Supports unlimited tabs for your content
- Creates more tabs with AJAX or IFRAME
- Create unclosed tabs (used for major information)

Enjoy more JavaScript code examples on jsB@nk for tabbing menus:

- JavaScript Simple CSS Tabbed search bar
- Useful Javascript Tab Bar Navigation Codes
- JavaScript dhtmlxTabBar - AJAX components for advanced Web UI
- JavaScript Tab Folder script
- JavaScript Content Tabs script

Category: Framework, Prototype

JavaScript Prototype: Some Basic Concepts A short JavaScript article tutorial to give an overview of prototype in JavaScript, with some JavaScript code examples. Please go to the inner page for full detailed instructions and JavaScript codes.

Auto Thousand-Grouped Number Input Fields One more JavaScript code example to build an auto thousand-grouped number after the users finish to type. JavaScript source code looks good and very easy to use.

Category: Form, Textarea

50+ Useful JavaScript and jQuery Techniques and Plugins Yeah, that's right! This JavaScript article provides you a collection of 50+ helpful JavaScript/jQuery techniques and plug-ins, these plug-ins have a great amazing layouts, designs; come along with ways of working effectively.

Some popular representations in this list: Colorful Sliders With jQuery & CSS3, Sponsor Flip Wall With jQuery & CSS, Nivo Slider, jQuery.Syntax, Photo Zoom Out Effect with jQuery, Making a Mosaic Slideshow With jQuery & CSS, 17 jQuery Plugins for Easy and Efficient Reordering and Filtering Page Elements, jQuery MegaMenu Plugin, Excellent JQuery Plugins To Enhance Form Validation, gameQuery - a javascript game engine with jQuery, jqFancyTransitions: jQuery Image Rotator Plugin, jQuery image zoom effect, jQuery Roundabout Shapes.

Try more JavaScript resources on jsB@nk:

- 50+ Great Web Applications of Data Visualization
- 50+ Super Nice and Sexy WordPress Themes for Female Bloggers
- 10 Great JavaScript Plugins and Resources for CSS TreeView and Sitemap
- Great Powered Resources for 7 Helpful jQuery Plug-ins

Category: Tutorials
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