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Flashing Text button Text of button will flash when visitors move mouse on it.

Category: Form, Button

Depressible DHTML buttons Use this visual DHTML script to transform regular text/image into depressible buttons! The effect can be applied to any 'containment' tag, such as <code><span>, <div>, <td> etc. Easy to install and degrades well with all other browsers. Buttonize your page elements today!

Category: Form, Button

Dynamic Combo Box This simple JavaScript creates a drop-down JavaScript menu that opens pages on a single click and button when selected from the menu.

Category: Form, Dropdown

Typing Scroller This scroller slashes and types its way into view!

Category: Form, Textarea

Typing Text Area Page Scroller This JavaScript was created to provide another alternative to those erratic and hard to read sideways scrolling text and status bar displays. This JavaScript uses TEXTAREA to create the effect of text scrolling up the page.

Category: Form, Textarea

HDate A script to insert a hidden value in a form with a time date stamp.

Category: Email

Hide Multiple E-Mail Addresses Have a Web page with multiple e-mail addresses? Use this JavaScript to protect them from spambots. Simple to use.

Category: Email

Hide E-mail Address with Subject Protect your e-mail address from spambots. In addition to hiding your e-mail address, this JavaScript also adds a subject line.

Category: Email

War\'s web form This Web form utilizes the sender's e-mail. This form has a validation for information added; if all is entered correctly, the sender will be directed to a 'thank you' page.

Category: Email
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