Guest, register

Simple Contacter This JavaScript is a simple contacter.

Category: Email

Send Email Updates This JavaScript can be used to send infomation to a email list.

Category: Email

Form Validation, Submission and Redirect This form was designed in replace of a cgi form to email with redirect. It uses both my own and modifications of other javascripts to achieve the result needed for a client with no cgi access.

Category: Email

Data Checker This JavaScript create a contacter which will alert if you do not enter all required fields.

Category: Email

Submission Form This JavaScript can create a registed form with many advance parameters.

Category: Email

Contacter on right-click The effect will display a contacting form when user right-click on website.

Category: Email

Contact Form This JavaScript can create a contacter to rate, rank, contact... a website.

Category: Email

Subscribe Form The script can create a basic subscribing form.

Category: Email

Tell a friend script You can combine this JavaScript with one of dynamic-web programing languages to send this website to your friend.

Category: Email

Mail Me This JavaScript create a contacting form. You can combine this JavaScript with the other languages as PHP, ASP,... to create contacter for user.

Category: Email
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