
Converting Earth Years to Planetary Years Wonder how old are you in planets? Use this JavaScript to convert your age in the earth to different planets. Great!

Category: Time

True Date Selector script This script helps to insure the integrity of the date entered in drop-down menus. Dates, such as Feb 31st can't be selected. Today's date is automatically selected.

Category: Time,

Date Sorter script This JavaScript will sort an array of dates with the month spelled out. It is done by converting the date into a more manageable format.

Category: Time

Time limit on viewing document script A script that sets a time limit on how long a surfer can spend viewing the document. The time left will be constantly shown at the status bar below. After time has expired (ie: 1 minute and 30 seconds), the browser will automatically navigate to another page, forcing the surfer out.

Category: Time,

Live Clock using images Uses images to display a clock.

Category: Time,

Live clock using images III This live image clock comes in large typography...great for commanding attention to itself!

Category: Time,

Clock Type script This is a really neat little script that can display the current time in 'Military Time' or '12 Hour Time' with the push of a button. Give it a try, it's neat!

Category: Time,

DHTML analog clock script Analog clock that uses DIV tags for the clock face.

Category: Time,

DHTML analog clock III script As if analog clock scripts are not rare enough, this one follows your mouse around. Judge- and use- as you will!

Category: Time,

Title Time Script This script displays the live time in the title of your surfer's browser! It does not erase the default title of the document, but rather, simply appends the time to it. Like the Title date script, the script manipulates the IE 4+ and NS6+ exclusive document.title property, so it's only visible to IE 4+/NS6+ browsers.

Category: Time,

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