dhtmlxTabBar is a JavaScript tabbar control for making dynamic tabbed-navigation interface. This UI component, AJAX supported, lets you add feature-rich and nice looking tabs to your site or web application.
The controls can be easily initialized on a web page that makes building of DHTML tabbed interface a breeze. Just assign any elements on your page (for example, DIVs) to the tabs of the Tabbar, and it will automatically do all the work for you - the component will switch these elements, displaying them by clicking on the corresponding tab.
A CSS based tab JavaScript menu that supports a secondary level of JavaScript menu items. Both levels are horizontal, so there no dropdown menus that may become hidden underneath form elements in browsers such as IE. Cool!
This script will display the titles on your links in a very "sweet" manner. The look is customized by using CSS and is easily changed. Degrades very nicely. Additional modifications are available on Dustin's Web site.
This JavaScript will give the user the option to open links in either a new window or in the same window. Simple to set-up.
Using this JavaScript, any links on a Web page to another domain will open in a new window.
Many times you don't want your users to know that they are clicking on an affiliate link. This script will keep the link from displaying in the browser's status bar.
Breadcrumbs show the path to the current page and allows the visitor to JavaScript link to any of the pages along that path. This JavaScript will build those links automatically. Highly customizable.
Display a new image every day of the week, with a JavaScript link to a specified URL for that day.
This JavaScript simplifies the creation of image rollovers. Instead of a lot of complicated code on the page, it only requires a JavaScript link to the two images, without any changes to the external JavaScript file. Very unobtrusive JavaScript!