This script allows you to have any number (minimum of 6) of picture links scroll continuously across the top of your page. Especially useful if you have a ton of links but don't have the room for them all. Or with a little tweaking, you could set this script up to display some banner ads.
The effect makes the images which are sorted with vertical and they'll enlarge when user move mouse on it.
The effect makes the images which are sorted with horizontal and they'll enlarge when user move mouse on it.
This JavaScript code example displays a JavaScript swimming fish in your browser window. When the fish hits a wall he 'turns' around and goes the other way.
This JavaScript swimming fish script is very easy to setup and it works perfectly on modern browsers such as Opera, Firefox, Chrome, Safari.
And you can also change the picture of fish by others if you want easily. But this is swimming fish animation, you may check JavaScript Swimming Fish Backgrounder if you need background swimming fish JavaScript effect.
This JavaScript will create the moving image in a frame. Here in example are the butterflies.
This JavaScript is a very cool image warp effect with fading retraction and other properties. Very customizable and free!
Fade any image horizontally and vertically. Can be positioned anywhere on the page. Awesome!
This JavaScript combines the floating and swapping effects together.