Give your visitors some mindless entertainment with this JavaScript, a DHTML version of the classic DOS game Snake. Using the arrow keys of your keyboard, navigate the snake to join up with the appearing blocks on the screen, so as to increase its size. Hit any of the four walls, however, and game over baby.
Death Valley Pong is a high-speed-game testing the reactions of your visitors. Although it's a full-fledged racing game the script is very easy to set up (true copy-and-paste). The game is pure DHTML! Fast loading. Exciting way to attract more visitors.
This clone of the popularly trademarked JavaScript Tetris game allows you to set difficulty levels from 1 to 9. No images are necessary.
Phong is an incredible ping-pong game with an even more impressive AI (artificial intelligence). Play against the computer, and see if you can win (take it for us, it's possible). We encourage DHTML programmers to check the source to see how Michael managed this impressive DHTML feat...