
Top 10 des frameworks JavaScript par Google, Yahoo, Bing JavaScript - un élément indispensable pour développer des sites et des pages Web, les pages que ce soit simple ou site professionnel, et si vous êtes senior ou junior. De nos jours, les cadres de JavaScript devenus plus puissants et plus spécialisés, ils peuvent faire beaucoup de choses en seulement quelques étapes de base

Toutefois, la grande chose lorsque vous avez besoin d'utiliser une JavaScript Framework est que vous ne savez pas quel cadre vous devez utiliser, ce qui cadre le mieux à vos besoins, ... ? Parce qu'il ya des centaines de cadres, vous pouvez choisir.

�tiquette: Top 10, cadre, Google, Yahoo, Bing, Professional Website, Senior, Junior, plus puissant, plus spécialisés

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5. easy-to-use, cross-browser user interface JavaScript libraries

Update to the lastest version, is an open-source JavaScript framework for visual effects and interface behaviours, have some improved features as: loading work maker, Windows Media player/RealPlayer checker, fixing old issues, ... check more at here

6. ExtJS: Cross-Browser Rich Internet Application Framework

ExtJS is a very cool cross-browser JavaScript framework for helping you build rich web applications, support all modern web browsers. Plus plenty of plugins and extensions, your ExtJS based web applications become more attractive by features such as well designed, documented and extensible Component model, high performance, easy-customizable UI widgets, ...

7. UIZE: supporting widgets, AJAX, DOM, templates, and more

Some things about UIZE you should know:

- is an open source Javascript framework
- easy-to-change your own CSS skins
- plenty of built-in widgets
- amazing effects and powerfull features

8. YUI Library: is proven, scalable, fast, and robust

YUI is one of the biggest JavaScript frameworks in this list. YUI has all things to help you build interactive web applications using techniques such as DOM scripting, DHTML and AJAX by a set of powerful utilities and controls. YUI has countless powerful features, plugins, extensions that take you the very long time to learn.

9. Archetype

Let sees the power of Archetype by yourself to understand what it can do.
  • Lastest version: 0.10.0 (September 2009)
  • Size of package: 2.14 MB
  • Creator: Temsa & Swiip
  • In use: GifTeer, Meteo France, ...

10. qooxdoo: the new era of web development

What's qooxdoo? That's great and powerfull JavaScript framework to create rich internet applications (RIAs) by taking the advantages of object-oriented JavaScript. qooxdoo includes a platform-independent development tool chain, a state-of-the-art GUI toolkit and an advanced client-server communication layer. It is open source under an LGPL/EPL dual license.


When you query the keyword: javascript framework from search engines, maybe there are some differences between our results; but this is not problem, because these JavaScript frameworks are very good & powerful, you use just one JavaScript framework (plus plug-ins & extensions) for all your needs.

Bonus: lists of top 10 JavaScript frameworks by Yahoo and Bing:


  1. Prototype
  2. MooTools
  3. YUI Library
  4. jQuery
  6. ExtJS
  7. Archetype
  8. Helios: an open-source JavaScript framework
  9. UIZE framework
  10. qooxdoo


  1. MooTools
  2. Prototype
  3. UIZE framework
  4. ExtJS
  5. Dojo Toolkit
  6. jQuery
  7. Archetype
  8. YUI Library
  9. XUI: javascript micro-framework
  10. midori: Ultra-lightweight JavaScript Framework

Hope you like this post and find some helpful things in this, leave me any comment/thought if you want. Hope see you in the next post, Top 10 jQuery plug-ins by Google, soon.

Cao Phong

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