
Formation structure lexicale et d Cette libre de HTML JavaScript tutoriel donne quelques concepts de base de JavaScript de programmation pour les d

�tiquette: formation JavaScript, structure lexicale, d

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x = x + 1;  y = 20;  z = x+y;

As the semicolon is optional, we can represent above statements separated with a line-break.

x = x + 1
y = 20
z = x+y

Categories of JavaScript Statements

Depending on the task a statement perform, they are categories as:

  • Conditional Statements
  • Loop Statements
  • Object Manipulation Statements
  • Comment Statements
  • Exception Handling Statements

JavaScript Blocks - Group of JavaScript Statements

JavaScript statements can be grouped together in blocks. Curly braces ({ }) are used to group a list of statements together in blocks. JavaScript block helps to execute sequence of statements together to perform a specific task. JavaScript block are the integral part of the function and conditional loops.

<script type="text/javascript">
for (x=0; x < 10; x++)
  document.write("x="+ x +"<br>");

Some Tips on declaring a JavaScript Statement

  • JavaScript programs are written using the Unicode character set.
  • JavaScript is a case-sensitive language so take care while defining and using variables, function names.
  • Do not use reserved keywords as variables, function names.
  • JavaScript ignores spaces, tabs, and newlines that appear between tokens in programs so indent your programs as per your consistency.
  • Omitting semicolons is not a good programming practice; you should get in the habit of using them.

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