Ce JavaScript tutorial va vous montrer une liste de nombreux outils JavaScript , des outils web , outils de blogging et biblioth?ques JavaScript pour nous aider ? d?velopper des applications Web en JavaScript Ces outils Web dans ce tutoriel comprennent JavaScript article sure outils de compression de code , JavaScript ?diteurs et les IDE , le code source des outils de d?bogage et d'autres outils utiles , utiles biblioth?ques JavaScript , utilitaires et applications
Liste des Ultimate Web de D?veloppement des ressources avec JavaScript , HTML , CSS et Livres
? 20+ Helpful Web Tools for Better Code Development
? Ultimate de Awesome JavaScript biblioth?ques pour les applications bas?es sur le Web
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Useful JavaScript Library and Other Tools
Table Cloth
Tablecloth is easy, lightweight and unobtrusive way to add style and behaviour to your html table elements. Features even / odd class anmes to alternative rows, adds over and out class names for mouse over and mouse out states.
Moousture is a mouse gesture library written soley in javascript with power and flexiblity to mould itself for you. Implemented on Mootools following the Object Oriented standards. Library is aimed to set out a future framework for mouse guesters for any browser including modern mobile devices.
jQuery Tools
jQuery Tools is a collection of the most important user interface components for modern websites where all tools can be used togethar, extendedm configured and styled and used by large sites all over the world.
Tipimage is used to create and manage tooltips over images, Creates rectangular portions of an image and attaches a description to each of them which is shown as a tooltip. Also supports the use of special callback functions.
qGallery is a small commandline program that processes jpeg images and specially named files in some directory structure to form a static HTML image gallery for publishing, automatically creates thumbnail indexes, per image comments and also additional images and HTML can be added later.
LivePipe UI is a suite of high quality widgets and controls for web 2.0 applications built using the Prototype JavaScript Framework where each control is well tested, highly extensible, fully documented and degrades gracefully for non JavaScript enabled browsers.
JavaScript Virtual Keyboard
JavaScript Virtual keyboard is a reusable system for adding a graphical keyboard interface to text fields, password fields and text areas. Also adds easy access to special characters.
Unobtrusive Table Action Script
Unobtrusive Table Actions Script can Zebra stripe the table, supports row hover, column hover and cell hover effects, can deal with rowSpans and ColSpans and fast in Internet Explorer also.
Glassbox is a lightweight JavaScript user interface which uses Prototype and Script.aculo.us for some effects. GlassBox lets you easily build lucent borders, colorful layouts and �Flash-like� effects.
HTML JavaScript Convertor
HTML to Javascript Convertor takes the markup and converts it into a series of document.write( ) statements and the output is generated as document.write statements wrapped in a function or cuilds up a string function or dociment.write statements.
Glimmer is an interactive design tool or windows application which can easily create interactive experiences and animation and other effects also. It also generated jQuery, XHTML and CSS.
Bookmarklets are used to perform useful functions, Bookmarklet lets you create URL�s from JavaScript to bookmark it. Type your JavaScript and the rest is done by this tool.
Google Playground
Google Playground lets you edit the API code and see the results instantly, Translate as a batch or detect the language or transliterate. Also has a virtual keyboard.
jQuery Function Builder
jQuery function builder is used to create functions, Just select the trigger item(s), event handler and this tool creates the functions.
JavaScript Regex Generator
JavaScript Regex Generator generated relatively basic regular expressions where you have to just enter the test data and mark the parts which the regex should should match. Allows you to add seven groups in its beta version.
Compatibility Master Table
Compatibility Master Table contains links to the individual tables. It also has the keys to the compatibility tables stating whether it is supported completely or not or barely supported etc.
Find Something Missing?
While compiling this list, it�s always a possibility that we missed some other free javaScript applications. Feel free to share it with us.
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jscompress is badly outdated with broken functionality R�ponse
I found a similar replacement at www.blimptontech.com it uses UglifyJS2 and all the functionality works on the site. It seems to be regularly updated as well as UglifyJS2 gets updates.